
recorders for eyes


An art exhibit in Portland at HA museum gallery shop

 Hello Dears ~ I am having a lovely show at HA in Portland Oregon for October/November!

I would like for you all to come and visit this splendid secret gallery museum shop. I think that we should dress up in fancy costumes everyday in October/November .. even if we are simply doing things around the house or in our own heads .. we can transport from portal to portal and be the creative little particles that we are.


An art exhibition in New York .


                                                                     Opening reception

September 23, 5-9pm
Roots Exhibition
A group show at the\
~Gallery Azulejo~
154 Orchard Street, New York, NY
Art by Artists from around the Globe
A few of my pieces will be in the show )

(By the time you read this . 
paint and ink on gelatin silver print )

(Her friend came to see her . 
paint and ink on gelatin silver print )


transmitting sound waves

transmitting sound waves 

speaking to cats 

sending signals 

(also .. there are some new prints in the shop . 
small and large *)



. the end of September .

it's chilly and still
at the end of September
the trees and the leaves
on the outside of shadows 

{layered painting on gelatin silver print}

sounds in the back of the room
with incense and coffee
and two cats near my feet
on the burgundy rug


in a field of floating

on a Sunday morning
it is beginning to feel like fall
the crows are outside circling around

.. floating in a field
of floating electricity 
little transmitters of gold
on her shoes

 thinking about lighthouses
and telephone poles in the woods
seeing the sounds of
things unseen and wondering about
the things we dream about
at 4am

also .. if you get a chance ..
I recommend watching 
The Dust Bowl on PBS .

During the 1930s, the Great Plains of the United States underwent 
a quick transformation to create a vast farmland to help feed the country. 
Despite the efficiency of the new methods used, poor planning 
turned the prairies into a wasteland, with Mother Nature leading
 the revolt against the land's inhabitants with an arsenal of massive dust storms 
and severe drought. A documentary showcasing the events that took place 
during the dreadful era, while also providing an example of what can happen
 if we aren't smart about how we pull precious resources from our planet.


intermission . this is a vintage test of the ebs

an intermission .. 

do you remember the tests that interrupted 
saturday morning cartoons?
here is a little info about those 
annoying alerts that no longer happen.

The EBS was initiated in 1963.

EBS replaced the CONELRAD system 
instituted in 1951.
The EBS was replaced by the EAS 
which initiated in 1994 and was fully implemented 
nationwide in 1997.

here is one that would have been similar
to the ones we may have heard 
during those days

and this one is from farther away and 
a bit more interesting


.the girl with gold . and head set transmitters .

The girl with gold
sees other things

and thoughts on how to listen to the sea
blue bird eggs and head set transmitters

mixed media paint collages
with blues 


. two telephone poles .

two telephone poles
at the edge of the water
for eyes

she has been waiting there for years
the sea
it speaks to her

(mixed media collage painting on paper)
the print is available in the shop )



. a language of numbers .


she and her dog could hear
the electrical currents
from around the corner of the house

a faint broken waltz

a woman talking in 

language of numbers

a turn table with a broken waltz

a few cassette recorders , a microphone

 a bathtub amphitheater
  the imaginary sounds
from the pipes under 
the house

(the full field recording is on the website)


. in a field . on a submarine

yesterday I talked to a friend on my 
old black rotary phone 
he asked me how things were going 
I told him that it feels like I've been 
living in the forest in the twigs with the moss
on the lower level of a submarine 
looking out a porthole 


a book of ghost portraits . it's more like a sound

 It's more like a sound .. 

a book of ghost portraits
 that I made during our remote-ness 
and days of long lingering unknown

This small book of 20 pages 
is filled of ghost portraits
 painted with layers of gouache , cut paper and ink on paper

Its is a 5 x 7 soft cover book that has a thick card stock feel
and printed on 100% recycled archival paper

available for purchase )


.currents from a small door . and Clara

She stands by a small door
near the floor
thinking about the odd sounding noises 
 in the early morning
when everything is is still dark
when the world is still asleep

A small door near the floor
 layered painting on paper 

. the print is available in the shop )

and a happy birthday to Clara Rockmore 
sound in the back of the studio 
on an overcast morning ..


She thought about the radio .

 She thought about the radio .. What noises and odd sounds 

 were coming out of the speakers . They sounded like they

formed a melody .

she wears a small red tie and a mask .

mixed media painting on paper by Noelle Maline.  2021

new prints are available in the shop )



Your'e on your own .. Claire .. Until the End of the World

Week one of the strange new year ..

With the new year starting
and it being very strange and other things 
I have made some lovely new works 
to go with a peculiar tone and background mood 

I'll be staying here in my studio
in a corner of the house
working on ghost portraits and
talking with invisible friends
listening to sounds and watching films
with my two cats )
having pea soup and bread with cheese
on cold nights .

I watched 
Until the End of the World by Wim Wenders 
.. over a five day period of one hour a day .
I recommend watching since it is very fitting
for these times . Long travels and lingering
moments all over the world . 
Especially nice in a time when one cannot travel
freely and visit people and places .
Only in one's memories .

~ Your'e on your own .. Claire ..
Until the End of the World 



time becomes invisible in fog

today was Christmas 
during a dark plague
time in the studio making things
make the days go by
time becomes invisible
when we are living in a fog
things seem further away
in some ways



others . fog

anonymous others
not just pawns in a game
mental processes that are 
revealing and peculiar 

a few ghosts of the people I don't know
working in my little room
in the fog of days

mixed media on old photographs 

the sounds of far away playing in 
the background of the studio ..
wandering with shadows in Prague with Kafka 



A ghost and stairs

 A ghost on the stairs 

An in-between the
dark days of
October November
mixed media collage gouache paint and ink on paper
by noelle maline


parallel places . the sky . one and two

The parallel worlds we are living in and have been .. are hovering over
us like . reminders of the fog and somewhere in the in between .
mixed media on paper . The sky one and two .

 The other day .. working in the studio . painting the walls
with powder paint and gesso . organizing boxes . the light is just right
in the mornings . a little haze of shade from the half windows and the
pepper trees . paper walls with masking tape from an installation
a few years back .

(~sounds from the radio tower in the back of my mind in the back of the studio)


Isolation tank . day 72

I made this one the other day .
in the midst of strange days .
a factory 
a mask
a sleep
mixed media . paint , photo , ink on paper


a lemon . a factory .

A lemon , a factory , 
a black hole I dove into .
memoirs from the factory .
remembering Mother's Day 
during quarantine . 
someone I would have liked to have around ..
with a calm , mellow demeanor and a little bit
of a sense of humor .

mixed media collage on paper .
days into days 67 .
print is available ~ here