
recorders for eyes


Your'e on your own .. Claire .. Until the End of the World

Week one of the strange new year ..

With the new year starting
and it being very strange and other things 
I have made some lovely new works 
to go with a peculiar tone and background mood 

I'll be staying here in my studio
in a corner of the house
working on ghost portraits and
talking with invisible friends
listening to sounds and watching films
with my two cats )
having pea soup and bread with cheese
on cold nights .

I watched 
Until the End of the World by Wim Wenders 
.. over a five day period of one hour a day .
I recommend watching since it is very fitting
for these times . Long travels and lingering
moments all over the world . 
Especially nice in a time when one cannot travel
freely and visit people and places .
Only in one's memories .

~ Your'e on your own .. Claire ..
Until the End of the World 


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